David Faubert Barker
Affiliations: | Durham University, Durham, England, United Kingdom |
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Barker D, Scott JJ, Stacey MJ. (1992) A study of glycogen depletion and the fibre-type composition of cat skeleto-fusimotor units. The Journal of Physiology. 450: 565-79 |
Barker D, Scott JJ. (1990) Regeneration and recovery of cat muscle spindles after devascularization. The Journal of Physiology. 424: 27-39 |
Banks RW, Barker D. (1989) Specificities of afferents reinnervating cat muscle spindles after nerve section. The Journal of Physiology. 408: 345-72 |
Banks RW, Barker D, Brown HG. (1985) Sensory reinnervation of muscles following nerve section and suture in cats. Journal of Hand Surgery (Edinburgh, Scotland). 10: 340-4 |
Banks RW, Barker D, Stacey MJ. (1985) Form and classification of motor endings in mammalian muscle spindles. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 225: 195-212 |
Banks RW, Barker D, Stacey MJ. (1982) Form and distribution of sensory terminals in cat hindlimb muscle spindles. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 299: 329-64 |
Barker D, Saito M. (1981) Autonomic innervation of receptors and muscle fibres in cat skeletal muscle. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 212: 317-332 |
Banks RW, Barker D, Bessou P, et al. (1978) Histological analysis of cat muscle spindles following direct observation of the effects of stimulating dynamic and static motor axons. The Journal of Physiology. 283: 605-19 |
Barker D, Bessou P, Jankowska E, et al. (1978) Identification of intrafusal muscle fibres activated by single fusimotor axons and injected with fluorescent dye in cat tenuissimus spindles. The Journal of Physiology. 275: 149-65 |
Barker D. (1977) Mammalian peripheral nervous system Nature. 266: 388-388 |