Rachel M. Podrazik

1987 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
"Rachel Podrazik"


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Louis George D'Alecy post-doc 1987 University of Michigan
 (Effects of Deferoxamine on Renal Ischemia in the Rat)
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Podrazik RM, Obedian RS, Remick DG, et al. (1989) Attenuation of structural and functional damage from acute renal ischemia by the 21-amino steroid U74006F in rats. Current Surgery. 46: 287-92
Podrazik RM, Obedian RS, Remick DG, et al. (1989) Attenuation of structural and functional damage from acute renal ischemia by the 21-amino steroid U74006F in rats. Current Surgery. 46: 287-92
Podrazik RM, Natale JE, Zelenock GB, et al. (1989) Hyperglycemia exacerbates and insulin fails to protect in acute renal ischemia in the rat Journal of Surgical Research. 46: 572-578
Frank RS, Moursi MM, Podrazik RM, et al. (1988) Renal vasoconstriction and transient declamp hypotension after infrarenal aortic occlusion: role of plasma purine degradation products. Journal of Vascular Surgery. 7: 515-23
Frank RS, Moursi MM, Podrazik RM, et al. (1988) Renal vasoconstriction and transient declamp hypotension after infrarenal aortic occlusion: role of plasma purine degradation products. Journal of Vascular Surgery. 7: 515-523
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