Benjamin S. Ramage, Ph.D. - Publications

2011 Environmental Science, Policy, & Management University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
Ecology Biology, Plant Pathology Agriculture, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Natural Resource Management

21 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Ramage BS, Johnson DJ, Chan DM. Effects of drought, disturbance, and biotic neighborhood on experimental tree seedling performance. Ecology and Evolution. 13: e10413. PMID 37593754 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.10413  0.472
2017 Ramage BS, Johnson DJ, Gonzalez-Akre E, McShea WJ, Anderson-Teixeira KJ, Bourg NA, Clay K. Sapling growth rates reveal conspecific negative density dependence in a temperate forest. Ecology and Evolution. 7: 7661-7671. PMID 29043023 DOI: 10.1002/Ece3.3298  0.477
2017 Ramage BS, Mangana IJ. Conspecific negative density dependence in American beech Forest Ecosystems. 4: 1-8. DOI: 10.1186/S40663-017-0094-Y  0.533
2016 Chua SC, Ramage BS, Potts MD. Soil degradation and feedback processes affect long-term recovery of tropical secondary forests Journal of Vegetation Science. DOI: 10.1111/Jvs.12406  0.561
2015 Evans SG, Ramage BS, DiRocco TL, Potts MD. Greenhouse gas mitigation on marginal land: a quantitative review of the relative benefits of forest recovery versus biofuel production. Environmental Science & Technology. 49: 2503-11. PMID 25582654 DOI: 10.1021/Es502374F  0.53
2015 Forrestel AB, Ramage BS, Moody T, Moritz MA, Stephens SL. Disease, fuels and potential fire behavior: Impacts of Sudden Oak Death in two coastal California forest types Forest Ecology and Management. 348: 23-30. DOI: 10.1016/J.Foreco.2015.03.024  0.52
2014 DiRocco TL, Ramage BS, Evans SG, Potts MD. Accountable accounting: Carbon-based management on marginal lands Forests. 5: 847-861. DOI: 10.3390/F5040847  0.466
2014 Lam TY, Fletcher C, Ramage BS, Doll HM, Joann CL, Nur-Zati AM, Butod E, Kassim AR, Harrison RD, Potts MD. Using Habitat Characteristics to Predict Faunal Diversity in Tropical Production Forests Biotropica. 46: 50-57. DOI: 10.1111/Btp.12069  0.623
2014 Marshalek EC, Ramage BS, Potts MD. Integrating harvest scheduling and reserve design to improve biodiversity conservation Ecological Modelling. 287: 27-35. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ecolmodel.2014.04.022  0.54
2013 Ramage BS, Sheil D, Salim HM, Fletcher C, Mustafa NZ, Luruthusamay JC, Harrison RD, Butod E, Dzulkiply AD, Kassim AR, Potts MD. Pseudoreplication in tropical forests and the resulting effects on biodiversity conservation. Conservation Biology : the Journal of the Society For Conservation Biology. 27: 364-72. PMID 23282082 DOI: 10.1111/Cobi.12004  0.628
2013 Hallett LM, Diver S, Eitzel MV, Olson JJ, Ramage BS, Sardinas H, Statman-Weil Z, Suding KN. Do we practice what we preach? Goal setting for ecological restoration Restoration Ecology. 21: 312-319. DOI: 10.1111/Rec.12007  0.396
2013 Ramage BS, Roman LA, Dukes JS. Relationships between urban tree communities and the biomes in which they reside Applied Vegetation Science. 16: 8-20. DOI: 10.1111/J.1654-109X.2012.01205.X  0.443
2013 Ramage BS, Marshalek EC, Kitzes J, Potts MD. Conserving tropical biodiversity via strategic spatiotemporal harvest planning Journal of Applied Ecology. 50: 1301-1310. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12149  0.548
2013 O'Hara KL, Ramage BS. Silviculture in an uncertain world: utilizing multi-aged management systems to integrate disturbance Forestry. 86: 401-410. DOI: 10.1093/Forestry/Cpt012  0.566
2013 Chua SC, Ramage BS, Ngo KM, Potts MD, Lum SKY. Slow recovery of a secondary tropical forest in southeast asia Forest Ecology and Management. 308: 153-160. DOI: 10.1016/J.Foreco.2013.07.053  0.612
2013 Ramage BS, Kitzes J, Marshalek EC, Potts MD. Optimized Floating Refugia: A new strategy for species conservation in production forest landscapes Biodiversity and Conservation. 22: 789-801. DOI: 10.1007/S10531-013-0453-0  0.552
2012 Davis SC, Dietze M, DeLucia E, Field C, Loarie S, Hamburg SP, Parton W, Potts M, Ramage B, Wang D, Youngs H, Long SP. Harvesting Carbon from Eastern US Forests: Opportunities and: Impacts of an Expanding Bioenergy Industry Forests. 3: 370-397. DOI: 10.3390/F3020370  0.541
2012 Ramage BS, Forrestel AB, Moritz MA, O'Hara KL. Sudden oak death disease progression across two forest types and spatial scales Journal of Vegetation Science. 23: 151-163. DOI: 10.1111/J.1654-1103.2011.01340.X  0.57
2011 Ramage BS, O'Hara KL, Forrestel AB. Forest transformation resulting from an exotic pathogen: Regeneration and tanoak mortality in coast redwood stands affected by sudden oak death Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 41: 763-772. DOI: 10.1139/X11-020  0.563
2010 Ramage BS, O’Hara KL. Sudden Oak Death-Induced Tanoak Mortality in Coast Redwood Forests: Current and Predicted Impacts to Stand Structure Forests. 1: 114-130. DOI: 10.3390/F1030114  0.475
2010 Ramage BS, O'Hara KL, Caldwell BT. The role of fire in the competitive dynamics of coast redwood forests. Ecosphere. 1: 1-18. DOI: 10.1890/Es10-00134.1  0.613
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