
Stacey C. Mann, Ph.D.

2011 Political Science and Public Administration Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS, United States 
Public Administration
"Stacey Mann"


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Doug Goodman grad student 2011 Mississippi State University
 (Creating resilient, sustainable local governments: Merging human resource management and emergency management.)
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Goodman D, Mann S. (2010) Reorganization or Political Smokescreen: The Incremental and Temporary Use of At-Will Employment in Mississippi State Government: Public Personnel Management. 39: 183-209
Mann S. (2009) Book Review: Maranto, R. (2005). Beyond a Government of Strangers: How Career Executives and Political Appointees Can Turn Conflict to Cooperation. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books: Review of Public Personnel Administration. 29: 197-199
Mann S, Goodman D. (2008) Sexual Harassment Isn't Always the Issue Appellate Courts and Other Factors That Contribute to a Hostile Work Environment Review of Public Personnel Administration. 28: 190-196
Goodman D, Mann S. (2008) Managing Public Human Resources Following Catastrophic Events Mississippi's Local Governments' Experiences Post—Hurricane Katrina Review of Public Personnel Administration. 28: 3-19
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