Jason W. Yackee, Ph.D.

2007 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 
International Law and Relations
"Jason Yackee"


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Thomas Oatley grad student 2007 UNC Chapel Hill
 (Sacrificing sovereignty: Bilateral investment treaties, international arbitration, and the quest for capital.)
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Yackee J. (2019) Investor-State Dispute Settlement at the Dawn of International Investment Law: France, Mauritania, and the Nationalization of the MIFERMA Iron Ore Operations American Journal of Legal History. 59: 71-110
Yackee JW. (2016) The First Investor-State Arbitration: The Suez Canal Company v Egypt (1864) The Journal of World Investment and Trade. 17: 401-462
Yackee J. (2015) Kate Miles, The Origins of International Investment Law: Empire, Environment and the Safeguarding of Capital, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Pp. 464. $125.00 cloth (ISBN: 9781107039391). Law and History Review. 33: 1023-1025
Yackee JW, Yackee SW. (2010) Administrative procedures and bureaucratic performance: Is federal rule-making "ossified"? Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 20: 261-282
Yackee JW, Yackee SW. (2009) Divided government and US federal rulemaking Regulation and Governance. 3: 128-144
Yackee JW. (2008) Bilateral investment treaties, credible commitment, and the rule of (International) Law: Do BITs promote foreign direct investment? Law and Society Review. 42: 805-832
Oatley T, Yackee J. (2004) American interests and IMF lending International Politics. 41: 415-429
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