Stephen A. Nuno, Ph.D.

2008 University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 
General, Hispanic American Studies
"Stephen Nuno"


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Louis DeSipio grad student 2008 UC Irvine
 (Messenger politics: The influence of co-ethnic partisan recruitment on Latino vote choice.)
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Barreto MA, Nuno SA, Sanchez GR, et al. (2019) The Racial Implications of Voter Identification Laws in America American Politics Research. 47: 238-249
Schiffer M, Nuño SA. (2014) Mexican-American Studies in Tucson, Arizona and the Acosta v. Huppenthal Decision Mexican Law Review. 6: 299-308
Barreto MA, Nuño SA. (2011) The effectiveness of coethnic contact on latino political recruitment Political Research Quarterly. 64: 448-459
Cohen-Marks M, Nuño SA, Sanchez GR. (2009) Look back in anger?: Voter opinions of Mexican immigrants in the aftermath of the 2006 immigration demonstrations Urban Affairs Review. 44: 695-717
Leal DL, Nuño SA, Lee J, et al. (2008) Latinos, Immigration, and the 2006 Midterm Elections Ps Political Science & Politics. 41: 309-317
Nuño SA. (2007) Latino Mobilization and Vote Choice in the 2000 Presidential Election American Politics Research. 35: 273-293
Barreto MA, Guerra F, Marks M, et al. (2006) Controversies in exit polling: Implementing a racially stratified homogenous precinct approach Ps - Political Science and Politics. 39: 477-483
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