Puspa D. Amri, Ph.D.

2013 Political Science The Claremont Graduate University 
General Economics, General, Banking Business Administration
"Puspa Amri"


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Thomas D. Willett grad student 2013 The Claremont Graduate University
 (Spotting Perfect Storms Financial regulation, rapid credit growth and banking crises.)
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Kern A, Amri P. (2020) Political credit cycles Economics and Politics
Amri PD, Willett TD. (2017) Policy Inconsistencies and the Political Economy of Currency Crises Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy. 8: 1-24
Amri P, Chiu EMP, Richey G, et al. (2017) Do financial crises discipline future credit growth Journal of Financial Economic Policy. 9: 284-301
Amri P. (2017) A Political Economy of American Hegemony: Buildups, Booms and Busts. By Thomas Oatley. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 209p. $93.00 cloth, $30.99 paper. Perspectives On Politics. 15: 933-934
Amri PD, Richey GM, Willett TD. (2016) Capital Surges and Credit Booms: How Tight is the Relationship? Open Economies Review. 1-34
Ha E, Lee D, Amri P. (2014) Trade and Welfare Compensation: The Missing Links International Interactions. 40: 631-656
Amri PD, Kocher BM. (2012) The Political Economy of Financial Sector Supervision and Banking Crises: A Cross-Country Analysis European Law Journal. 18: 24-43
Amri P, Angkinand AP, Wihlborg C. (2011) International Comparisons of Bank Regulation, Liberalization, and Banking Crises Journal of Financial Economic Policy. 3: 322-339
Narjoko DA, Amri PD. (2007) The Developmental Gap between the ASEAN Member Countries: The Perspective of Indonesia Asean Economic Bulletin. 24: 45-71
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