Wayne V. McIntosh

Government and Politics University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
General, Law, American Studies
"Wayne McIntosh"
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Evans MC, Cates CL, McIntosh WV. (2015) The reality of jurisprudence(?): Interpretive methods in the opinions of Justices Antonin Scalia and Stephen Breyer Justice System Journal. 36: 20-48
Thorpe RU, Evans MC, Simon SA, et al. (2010) Legal mobilization and US supreme court decision making in property and civil rights cases, 1978-2003 Property Rights and Neoliberalism: Cultural Demands and Legal Actions. 29-58
McIntosh WV, Simon SA. (2008) Technological advances and individual liberties: Privacy and the reach of the state in the twenty-first century Domestic Perspectives On Contemporary Democracy. 105-130
Evans MC, McIntosh WV, Lin J, et al. (2006) Recounting the Courts? Applying Automated Content Analysis to Enhance Empirical Legal Research Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 4: 1007-1039
Cousins K, Mcintosh W. (2005) More than Typewriters, More than Adding Machines: Integrating Information Technology into Political Research Quality & Quantity. 39: 581-614
Mcintosh WV. (1993) Rationalizing the Quest for Justice in the U.S. District Courts Law and Social Inquiry-Journal of the American Bar Foundation. 18: 689-705
McIntosh W. (1983) Private Use of a Public Forum: A Long Range View of the Dispute Processing Role of Courts American Political Science Review. 77: 991
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