Quddus Z. Snyder, Ph.D.

2010 Government and Politics University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
International Relations, General
"Quddus Snyder"


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Ken Conca grad student 2010 University of Maryland
 (From anarchy to confederacy: A theory of international politics.)
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Snyder QZ. (2014) The Buck Stops Here: Understanding Special Responsibilities in World Politics International Studies Review. 16: 139-141
Snyder QZ. (2013) The illiberal trading state: Liberal systemic theory and the mechanism of socialization Journal of Peace Research. 50: 33-45
Snyder QZ. (2013) Taking the system seriously: Another liberal theory of international politics International Studies Review. 15: 539-561
Snyder QZ. (2013) Integrating rising powers: Liberal systemic theory and the mechanism of competition Review of International Studies. 39: 209-231
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