Mitchell K. Hall

Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI, United States 
Modern History, European History, United States History, General, History of Education
"Mitchell Hall"
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Hall MK. (2019) Martin Halliwell and Nick Witham, eds. Reframing 1968: American Politics, Protest and Identity. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018. Peace & Change. 44: 118-120
Hall MK. (2007) MELVIN SMALL. At the Water's Edge: American Politics and the Vietnam War. (The American Ways Series.) Chicago: Ivan R. Dee. 2005. Pp. xi, 241. $26.00 The American Historical Review. 112: 244-245
Hall MK. (2004) The Vietnam Era Antiwar Movement Oah Magazine of History. 18: 13-17
Hall M. (1995) Unsell The War: Vietnam And Antiwar Advertising The Historian. 58: 69-86
Hall MK. (1995) Tom Wells. The War Within: America's Battle over Vietnam. Foreword by Todd Gitlin. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1994. Pp. xviii, 706. $30.00 The American Historical Review. 100: 1727-1728
Hall MK. (1991) The Dynamics of Domestic Politics and Arms Control: The Salt II Treaty Ratification Debate. The Journal of American History. 78: 1528-1529
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