Robert J. Brym

University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
Social Structure and Development, General, Canadian Studies
"Robert Brym"
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Slavina A, Brym R. (2020) Demonstrating in the internet age: a test of Castells’ theory Social Movement Studies. 19: 201-221
Zhang TH, Brym R. (2019) Tolerance of Homosexuality in 88 Countries: Education, Political Freedom, and Liberalism Sociological Forum. 34: 501-521
Andersen R, Brym R. (2017) How Terrorism Affects Attitudes toward Democracy: Tunisia in 2015. Canadian Review of Sociology = Revue Canadienne De Sociologie. 54: 519-529
Zhang TH, Brym R, Andersen R. (2017) Liberalism and Postmaterialism in China: The Role of Social Class and Inequality Chinese Sociological Review. 49: 65-87
Brym R. (2016) Ronald Inglehart’s Comment on “After Postmaterialism”: A Reply Canadian Journal of Sociology. 41: 223-228
Brym R. (2016) After Postmaterialism: An Essay on China, Russia and the United States Canadian Journal of Sociology. 41: 195-212
Brym R, Andersen R. (2016) Democracy, women’s rights, and public opinion in Tunisia International Sociology. 31: 253-267
Brym R. (2015) HOWARD RAMOS and KATHLEEN RODGERS, eds. Protest and Politics: The Promise of Social Movement Societies. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2015, 376 p. Canadian Review of Sociology-Revue Canadienne De Sociologie. 52: 478-482
Milligan S, Andersen R, Brym R. (2014) Assessing variation in tolerance in 23 Muslim-majority and Western countries. Canadian Review of Sociology = Revue Canadienne De Sociologie. 51: 239-61
Brym R. (2014) Our First 50 Years: A Note on the University of Toronto's Department of Sociology Canadian Review of Sociology-Revue Canadienne De Sociologie. 51: 288-292
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