Roger Gibbins

University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada 
"Roger Gibbins"
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Gibbins R. (2009) The politics of sustainability in a complex federal state Innovation, Science, Environment, 1987-2007. 95-105
Gibbins R. (2001) Local governance and federal political systems International Social Science Journal. 53
Gibbins R. (2000) Federalism in a Digital World Canadian Journal of Political Science. 33: 667-689
Tupper A, Gibbins R. (1993) Government and politics in Alberta Canadian Public Policy-Analyse De Politiques. 19: 349
Warwick P, Nevitte N, Gibbins R. (1992) New Elites in Old States: Ideologies in the Anglo-American Democracies Canadian Public Policy-Analyse De Politiques. 18: 123
Gibbins R. (1989) Canadian federalism: The entanglement of meech lake and the free trade agreement Publius. 19: 185-198
Nevitte N, Bakvis H, Gibbins R. (1989) The ideological contours of “new politics” in canada: Policy, mobilization and partisan support Canadian Journal of Political Science. 22: 475-503
Barrie D, Gibbins R. (1989) Parliamentary Careers in the Canadian Federal State Canadian Journal of Political Science. 22: 137-145
Gibbins R. (1986) Free trade in political ideologies: The impact of reduced “trade barriers” on canadian political life American Review of Canadian Studies. 16: 253-264
Gibbins R. (1986) Two Political Worlds: Parties and Voting in British Columbia Donald E. Blake with the collaboration of David E. Elkins and Richard Johnston Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1985, pp. x 205 Canadian Journal of Political Science. 19: 843-844
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