Laron K. Williams, Ph.D.

2008 Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States 
"Laron Williams"


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Guy Whitten grad student 2008 Texas A & M
 (Challenging government: Institutional arrangements, policy shocks, and no-confidence motions.)
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Williams LK. (2019) Guns Yield Butter? An Exploration of Defense Spending Preferences: Journal of Conflict Resolution. 63: 1193-1221
Drolc CA, Gandrud C, Williams LK. (2019) Taking Time (and Space) Seriously: How Scholars Falsely Infer Policy Diffusion from Model Misspecification Policy Studies Journal
Goldring E, Park BB, Williams LK. (2018) Should we talk about the weather? How party competition and coalition participation influence parties’ attention to economic issues: Party Politics. 135406881880654
Fortunato D, Swift CS, Williams LK. (2018) All Economics is Local: Spatial Aggregations of Economic Information Political Science Research and Methods. 6: 467-487
Williams LK, Stegmaier M, Debus M. (2017) Relaxing the constant economic vote restriction : economic evaluations and party support in Germany Party Politics. 23: 1354068815593458
Sagarzazu I, Williams LK. (2017) Making and Breaking Party Leaders? An Informational Theory of Temporary and Lasting Impacts of Prime Minister Debates in Spain Social Science Quarterly. 98: 856-875
Williams LK. (2016) Long-Term effects in models with temporal dependence Political Analysis. 24: 243-262
Williams LK, Seki K, Whitten GD. (2016) You’ve Got Some Explaining To Do The Influence of Economic Conditions and Spatial Competition on Party Strategy Political Science Research and Methods. 4: 47-63
Stegmaier M, Williams LK. (2016) Forecasting the 2015 British election through party popularity functions Electoral Studies. 41: 260-263
Williams LK, Whitten GD. (2015) Don't Stand So Close to Me: Spatial Contagion Effects and Party Competition American Journal of Political Science. 59: 309-325
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