Lisa G. Perks, Ph.D.

2008 Communication Studies University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
Speech Communication, Mass Communications
"Lisa Perks"


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Barry Brummett grad student 2008 UT Austin
 (A sketch comedy of errors: "Chappelle's Show", stereotypes, and viewers.)
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Perks LG. (2019) Media Marathoning Through Health Struggles: Filling a Social Reservoir: Journal of Communication Inquiry. 43: 313-332
Perks LG, Johnson KA. (2014) Electile Dysfunction: The burlesque binds of the Sarah Palin MILF frame Feminist Media Studies. 14: 775-790
Perks LG. (2012) The ancient roots of humor theory Humor: International Journal of Humor Research. 25: 119-132
Perks LG. (2012) Three Satiric Television Decoding Positions Communication Studies. 63: 290-308
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