Suzanne M. Leland

Public Policy (PhD) University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, United States 
Administration Education, Public Administration
"Suzanne Leland"
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Leland S, Chattopadhyay J, Maestas C, et al. (2020) Policy venue preference and relative trust in government in federal systems Governance
Goodman CB, Leland SM. (2019) Do Cities and Counties Attempt to Circumvent Changes in Their Autonomy by Creating Special Districts The American Review of Public Administration. 49: 203-217
Read DC, Leland S, Pope J. (2019) Views from the Field: Economic Development Practitioners’ Perceptions About Public-Private Real Estate Partnerships: Urban Affairs Review. 107808741882471
Read D, Leland SM. (2019) A Gendered Perspective on Local Economic Development Differences in the Perceived Importance of Public Services in the Business Recruitment Process Administration & Society. 51: 95399715616837
Boyer RHW, Leland S. (2018) Cohousing For Whom? Survey Evidence to Support the Diffusion of Socially and Spatially Integrated Housing in the United States Housing Policy Debate. 28: 653-667
Heberlig ES, McCoy J, Leland SM, et al. (2017) Mayors, Accomplishments, and Advancement Urban Affairs Review. 53: 539-558
Piatak J, Mohr Z, Leland S. (2017) Bureaucratic accountability in third‐party governance: Experimental evidence of blame attribution during times of budgetary crisis Public Administration. 95: 976-989
Read DC, Leland SM. (2017) Toward Understanding Another Gender Gap: How Women in Economic Development Perceive Access to Capital Journal of Women, Politics & Policy. 38: 481-497
Smirnova O, Yusuf J(, Leland S. (2016) Managing for performance: Measurement and monitoring of contracts in the transit industry Journal of Public Procurement. 16: 208-242
Leland SM, Read DC, Wittry M. (2015) Analyzing the Perceived Benefits of LEED-Certified and Energy Star–Certified Buildings in the Realm of Local Economic Development Economic Development Quarterly. 29: 363-375
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