Ho-Chang Chae, Ph.D.

2009 University of North Texas, Denton, TX, United States 
Management Business Administration, Information Technology
"Ho-Chang Chae"


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Chang E. Koh grad student 2009 University of North Texas
 (The impact of IT capability on employee capability, customer value, customer satisfaction, and business performance.)
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Chae H, Koh CE, Jeon M. (2020) Can Cognitive Style Predict Adoption of an Emerging Technology?: A Study of Cognitive Style and Its Influence on the Perception of a New Technology International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction. 16: 18-35
Chae H, Koh CE, Park KO. (2017) Information Technology Capability and Firm Performance: Role of Industry Information & Management. 55: 525-546
Chae HC, Koh CE, Prybutok VR. (2014) Information technology capability and firm performance: Contradictory findings and their possible causes Mis Quarterly: Management Information Systems. 38: 305-326
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