Scott Morgenstern

University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States 
"Scott Morgenstern"


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Gary W. Cox grad student UCSD
Paul Drake grad student (SocTree)
Matthew S. Shugart grad student
Peter Smith grad student UCSD (History of History Tree)
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Morgenstern S. (2020) Spending to Win: Political Institutions, Economic Geography, and Government Subsidies. By Stephanie J. Rickard. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. 260p. $99.99 cloth, $29.99 paper. Perspectives On Politics. 18: 968-969
Morgenstern S, Smith N, Trelles A. (2017) How party nationalization conditions economic voting Electoral Studies. 47: 136-145
Morgenstern S. (2016) The Latin American Voter: Pursuing Representation and Accountability in Challenging Contexts. Edited by Ryan E. Carlin, Matthew M. Singer, and Elizabeth J. Zechmeister. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2015. 444p. $95.00 cloth, $40.00 paper.Changing Course in Latin America: Party Systems in the Neoliberal Era. By Kenneth M. Roberts. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 356p. $95.00 cloth, $34.99 paper. Perspectives On Politics. 14: 1236-1238
Carreras M, Morgenstern S, Su Y. (2015) Refining the theory of partisan alignments: Evidence from Latin America Party Politics. 21: 671-685
Morgenstern S. (2015) Political Parties and Democratic Linkage: How Parties Organize Democracy. By Russell J. Dalton, David M. Farrell, and Ian McAllister. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. 272p. $105.00 cloth, $40.95 paper. Perspectives On Politics. 13: 884-885
Berrios R, Marak A, Morgenstern S. (2011) Explaining hydrocarbon nationalization in Latin America: Economics and political ideology Review of International Political Economy. 18: 673-697
Morgenstern S, Swindle SM, Castagnola A. (2011) Party Nationalization and Institutions - CORRIGENDUM The Journal of Politics. 73: 631-631
Morgenstern S. (2010) Grupos organizados y partidos desorganizados: incentivos electorales en Uruguay Revista De Metalurgia. 29: 109-131
Siavelis PM, Morgenstern S. (2008) Candidate Recruitment and Selection in Latin America: A Framework for Analysis Latin American Politics and Society. 50: 27-58
Morgenstern S, Negri JJ, Pérez-Liñán A. (2008) Parliamentary Opposition in Non-Parliamentary Regimes: Latin America The Journal of Legislative Studies. 14: 160-189
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