Cecilia F. Lavena, Ph.D.

2013 Public Administration Rutgers The State University of New Jersey - Newark, United States 
Public Administration, Organizational, Ethics, Public and Social Welfare
"Cecilia Lavena"


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Gregg V. Ryzin grad student 2013 Rutgers, Newark
 (Deciding to blow the whistle: How individual and organizational factors influence the reporting of wrongdoing in the federal government.)
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Riccucci NM, Van Ryzin GG, Lavena CF. (2014) Representative bureaucracy in policing: Does it increase perceived legitimacy? Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 24: 537-551
Ryzin GGV, Lavena CF. (2013) The Credibility of Government Performance Reporting: An Experimental Test Public Performance & Management Review. 37: 87-103
Lavena CF. (2013) What Determines Permissiveness Toward Corruption Public Integrity. 15: 345-366
Villoria M, Ryzin GGV, Lavena CF. (2013) Social and Political Consequences of Administrative Corruption: A Study of Public Perceptions in Spain Public Administration Review. 73: 85-94
Lavena C, Riccucci NM. (2012) Exploring Gender Mainstreaming in the European Union International Journal of Public Administration. 35: 122-136
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