Vincent J. Kiernan, Ph.D.

2002 University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
"Vincent Kiernan"


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Katherine C. McAdams grad student 2002 University of Maryland
 (Strictly embargoed: The construction of news about science and medicine.)
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Kiernan V. (2016) Source diversity among journals cited in Science Times. Public Understanding of Science (Bristol, England). 25: 198-206
Kiernan V. (2003) Embargoes and Science News Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. 80: 903-920
Kiernan V. (2003) Diffusion of News about Research Science Communication. 25: 3-13
Kiernan V. (2000) The Mars Meteorite: A case study in controls on dissemination of science news Public Understanding of Science. 9: 15-41
Kiernan V. (1998) Changing Embargoes and the New York Times' Coverage of the Journal of the American Medical Association: Science Communication. 19: 212-221
Kiernan V. (1997) Ingelfinger, Embargoes, and Other Controls on the Dissemination of Science News: Science Communication. 18: 297-319
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