Christian Levesque

Human Resources HEC Montreal (Canada) 
General, International Relations, African Studies
"Christian Levesque"
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Emilien B, Lévesque C, Morissette L, et al. (2019) La contribution des institutions régionales à la gestion des talents : regards sur la grappe aérospatiale de Montréal Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations. 74: 473-497
Adanhounme AB, Lévesque C. (2019) La négociation collective en contexte de flexibilisation de l’emploi dans deux usines au Québec Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations. 74: 14-38
Hennebert M, Lévesque C, Murray G, et al. (2019) Firmes multinationales et droits syndicaux : la contribution des alliances syndicales internationales à l’effectivité des Accords-cadres internationaux Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations. 73: 702-727
Bourque R, Hennebert M, Lévesque C, et al. (2018) Do international union alliances contribute to the effectiveness of international framework agreements? A comparative study of Telefonica and Portugal Telecom: Economic & Industrial Democracy
Lévesque C, Hennebert M, Murray G, et al. (2018) Corporate Social Responsibility and Worker Rights: Institutionalizing Social Dialogue Through International Framework Agreements Journal of Business Ethics. 153: 215-230
Lévesque C, Bensusán G, Murray G, et al. (2015) Labour relations policies in multinational companies: A three-country study of power dynamics Journal of Industrial Relations. 57: 187-209
Murray G, Jalette P, Bélanger J, et al. (2014) The ‘hollowing out’ of the national subsidiary in multinational companies: is it happening, does it matter, what are the strategic consequences? Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research. 20: 217-236
Adanhounme AB, Lévesque C. (2013) L’action syndicale à l’international vue du Sud : du global au local ou du local au global? Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations. 68: 239-260
Edwards PK, Sánchez-Mangas R, Tregaskis O, et al. (2013) Human Resource Management Practices in the Multinational Company: A Test of System, Societal, and Dominance Effects Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 66: 588-617
Bélanger J, Lévesque C, Jalette P, et al. (2013) Discretion in employment relations policy among foreign-controlled multinationals in Canada Human Relations. 66: 307-332
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