Eric Linhart, Prof. Dr.
Affiliations: | 2007-2014 | University of Kiel, Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany | |
2015- | Technische Universität Chemnitz |
"Eric Linhart"
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Eichhorn K, Linhart E. (2020) Estimating the Effect of Competitiveness on Turnout across Regime Types Political Studies. 3232172091464 |
Jankowski M, Linhart E, Tepe M. (2019) Welches Wahlsystem wollen die Wähler? Evidenz von einem Conjoint-Experiment Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 60: 221-243 |
Linhart E, Raabe J. (2018) Different Rationales of Coalition Formation and Incentives for Strategic Voting Applied Mathematics-a Journal of Chinese Universities Series B. 9: 836-860 |
Linhart E, Tepe M. (2015) Rationales Wählen in Mehrparteiensystemen mit Koalitionsregierungen. Eine laborexperimentelle Untersuchung Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 56: 44-76 |
Raabe J, Linhart E. (2015) Does substance matter? A model of qualitative portfolio allocation and application to German state governments between 1990 and 2010: Party Politics. 21: 481-492 |
Raabe J, Linhart E. (2014) Disentangling the Value of a Ministry: Party Leaders’ Evaluations of German State Ministries West European Politics. 37: 1065-1086 |
Shikano S, Linhart E. (2010) Coalition-Formation as a result of policy and office motivations in the German Federal States: An empirical estimate of the weighting parameters of both motivations Party Politics. 16: 111-130 |
Linhart E, Debus M, Bräuninger T. (2010) The 2009 Elections in Schleswig-Holstein: Polarised Electoral Campaign, Exceptional Election Results, and an Unspectacular Process of Government Formation German Politics. 19: 237-253 |
Linhart E, Shikano S. (2009) Ideological Signals of German Parties in a Multi-Dimensional Space: An Estimation of Party Preferences Using the CMP Data German Politics. 18: 301-322 |
Linhart E, Pappi FU. (2009) Koalitionsbildungen zwischen Ämter- und Politikmotivation. Konstruktion einer interdependenten Nutzenfunktion Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 50: 23-49 |