Sergio Garcia-Rios

Political science University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
"Sergio Garcia-Rios"
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Garcia-Rios S, Lajevardi N, Oskooii KAR, et al. (2021) The Participatory Implications of Racialized Policy Feedback. The American Political Science Review. 21: 932-950
Barreto M, Collingwood L, Garcia-Rios S, et al. (2019) Estimating Candidate Support in Voting Rights Act Cases: Comparing Iterative EI and EI-R×C Methods: Sociological Methods & Research. 4912411985239
Collingwood L, Oskooii K, Garcia-Rios S, et al. (2016) eiCompare: Comparing Ecological Inference Estimates across EI and EI:RC R Journal. 8: 92-101
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