Stephen E. Palmer

University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
Vision Science, Psychophysics, Visual Organization
"Stephen Embry Palmer" OR "Stephen E Palmer"

Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Don Norman grad student 1974 UCSD (Neurotree)
 (Structural aspects of perceptual organization)
David E. Rumelhart grad student 1970-1974 UCSD


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Jack L. Gallant research assistant UC Berkeley
Edward M. Hubbard research assistant 1998-1999 UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
Christine E. Nothelfer research assistant 2007-2009 UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
Kelly L Whiteford research assistant 2011-2013 UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
Ruth Kimchi grad student UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
Lynn C. Robertson grad student UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
John K. Kruschke grad student 1984-1990 UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
Allison B. Sekuler grad student 1986-1991 UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
Diane M. Beck grad student 1998 UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
Lauren Barghout grad student 2003 UC Berkeley (Computer Science Tree)
Rolf Nelson grad student 2003 UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
Joseph L. Brooks grad student 1999-2006 UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
Tandra Ghose grad student 2004-2006 UC Berkeley
Jonathan S. Gardner grad student 2011 UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
Jonathan Sammartino grad student 2005-2011 UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
Karen B. Schloss grad student 2005-2011 UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
William Griscom grad student 2009-2014 UC Berkeley
Daniel J. Levitin post-doc 1999-2000 UC Berkeley


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Irvin Rock collaborator UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
BETA: Related publications


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Whiteford KL, Schloss KB, Helwig NE, et al. (2018) Color, Music, and Emotion: Bach to the Blues. I-Perception. 9: 2041669518808535
Palmer SE, Langlois TA. (2017) Effects of Implied Motion and Facing Direction on Positional Preferences in Single-Object Pictures. Perception. 46: 815-829
Schloss KB, Palmer SE. (2017) An ecological framework for temporal and individual differences in color preferences. Vision Research
Austerweil JL, Griffiths TL, Palmer SE. (2016) Learning to Be (In)variant: Combining Prior Knowledge and Experience to Infer Orientation Invariance in Object Recognition. Cognitive Science
Schloss KB, Nelson R, Parker L, et al. (2016) Seasonal Variations in Color Preference. Cognitive Science
Palmer SE, Langlois TA, Schloss KB. (2016) Music-to-Color Associations of Single-Line Piano Melodies in Non-synesthetes. Multisensory Research. 29: 157-93
Palmer SE, Schloss KB, Griscom WS. (2016) Individual Differences in Perceptual Preference Electronic Imaging. 2016: 1-6
Ghose T, Palmer SE. (2015) Gradient cuts and extremal edges in relative depth and figure-ground perception. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Schloss KB, Goldberger CS, Palmer SE, et al. (2015) What's that smell? An ecological approach to understanding preferences for familiar odors. Perception. 44: 23-38
Yokosawa K, Schloss KB, Asano M, et al. (2015) Ecological Effects in Cross-Cultural Differences Between U.S. and Japanese Color Preferences. Cognitive Science
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