Terry L. Maple
Affiliations: | Psychology | Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA |
Comparative PsychologyGoogle:
"Terry Maple"Cross-listing: Neurotree
Sign in to add traineeKenneth C Gold | grad student | Georgia Tech (Neurotree) | |
Kristen E Lukas | grad student | 1993-1999 | Georgia Institute of Technology, Altanta, GA, USA (Neurotree) |
Rebecca J. Snyder | grad student | 2000 | Georgia Tech (Neurotree) |
Tara S. Stoinski | grad student | 2000 | Georgia Tech (Neurotree) |
Megan R. Ross | grad student | 2001 | Georgia Tech (Neurotree) |
Kyle D. Burks | grad student | 2002 | Georgia Tech (Neurotree) |
Meredith J. Bashaw | grad student | 2003 | Georgia Tech (Neurotree) |
Christopher W. Kuhar | grad student | 2004 | Georgia Tech (Neurotree) |
Megan L. Wilson | grad student | 2005 | Georgia Tech (Neurotree) |
Angela S. Kelling | grad student | 2008 | Georgia Tech (Neurotree) |
Stephanie M. Allard | grad student | 2011 | Georgia Tech (Neurotree) |
Ursula S. Anderson | grad student | 2011 | Georgia Tech (Neurotree) |
Bonnie M. Perdue | grad student | 2011 | Georgia Tech (Neurotree) |
Andrea W. Clay | grad student | 2012 | Georgia Tech (Neurotree) |
Estelle A Sandhaus | grad student | 2013 | Georgia Tech (Neurotree) |
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Ramis F, Mohr M, Kohn G, et al. (2020) Spatial Design of Guest Feeding Programs and Their Effects on Giraffe Participation and Social Interactions. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science : Jaaws. 1-20 |
Perdue BM, Sherwen SL, Maple TL. (2020) Editorial: The Science and Practice of Captive Animal Welfare. Frontiers in Psychology. 11: 1851 |
Snyder RJ, Perdue BM, Zhang Z, et al. (2016) Giant Panda Maternal Care: A Test of the Experience Constraint Hypothesis. Scientific Reports. 6: 27509 |
Wilson ML, Perdue BM, Bloomsmith MA, et al. (2015) Rates of reinforcement and measures of compliance in free and protected contact elephant management systems. Zoo Biology |
Clay AW, Bloomsmith MA, Bard KA, et al. (2015) Long-term effects of infant attachment organization on adult behavior and health in nursery-reared, captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Journal of Comparative Psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983). 129: 145-59 |
Mallavarapu S, Stoinski TS, Perdue BM, et al. (2014) Double invisible displacement understanding in orangutans: testing in non-locomotor and locomotor space. Primates; Journal of Primatology. 55: 549-57 |
Mallavarapu S, Perdue BM, Stoinski TS, et al. (2013) Can black-and-white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata) solve object permanence tasks? American Journal of Primatology. 75: 376-86 |
Kelling AS, Bashaw MJ, Bloomsmith MA, et al. (2013) Socialization of a single hand-reared tiger cub. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science : Jaaws. 16: 47-63 |
Perdue BM, Snyder RJ, Wilson ML, et al. (2013) Giant Panda Welfare in Captivity Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. 16: 394-395 |
Ross MR, Gillespie KL, Hopper LM, et al. (2013) Differential preference for ultraviolet light among captive birds from three ecological habitats Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 147: 278-285 |