Rachel Lynn Bannerman
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom |
Vision, cognition, emotionGoogle:
"Rachel Bannerman"Bio:
Completed her PhD in 2009
Cross-listing: Neurotree
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Ritchie KL, Bannerman RL, Sahraie A. (2014) Redundancy gain in binocular rivalry. Perception. 43: 1316-28 |
Ritchie KL, Bannerman RL, Turk DJ, et al. (2013) Eye rivalry and object rivalry in the intact and split-brain. Vision Research. 91: 102-7 |
Ritchie KL, Bannerman RL, Sahraie A. (2013) Emotion and Interhemispheric Interactions in Binocular Rivalry I-Perception. 4: 478-478 |
Bannerman RL, Hibbard PB, Chalmers K, et al. (2012) Saccadic latency is modulated by emotional content of spatially filtered face stimuli. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 12: 1384-92 |
Bannerman RL, Temminck EV, Sahraie A. (2012) Emotional stimuli capture spatial attention but do not modulate spatial memory. Vision Research. 65: 12-20 |
Ritchie K, Bannerman RL, Sahraie A. (2011) The effect of fear in the periphery in binocular rivalry. Perception. 40: 1395-401 |
Bannerman RL, Regener P, Sahraie A. (2011) Binocular rivalry: a window into emotional processing in aging. Psychology and Aging. 26: 372-80 |
Regener P, Bannerman R, Sahraie A. (2011) Influence of emotional states on perception of emotional facial expressions in binocular rivalry Perception. 40: 215-215 |
Bannerman RL, Milders M, Sahraie A. (2010) Attentional bias to brief threat-related faces revealed by saccadic eye movements. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 10: 733-8 |
Bannerman RL, Milders M, Sahraie A. (2010) Attentional cueing: fearful body postures capture attention with saccades. Journal of Vision. 10: 23 |