Gordon Fernie, PhD

Psychology University of Liverpool, Liverpool, England, United Kingdom 
"Gordon Fernie"
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King AJ, Hudson J, Fernie G, et al. (2020) Baseline characteristics of participants in the Treatment of Advanced Glaucoma Study (TAGS): A multicentre randomised controlled trial. American Journal of Ophthalmology
Fernie G, Tunney RJ. (2013) Learning on the IGT follows emergence of knowledge but not differential somatic activity. Frontiers in Psychology. 4: 687
Fernie G, Peeters M, Gullo MJ, et al. (2013) Multiple behavioural impulsivity tasks predict prospective alcohol involvement in adolescents. Addiction (Abingdon, England). 108: 1916-23
Tunney RJ, Fernie G. (2012) Episodic and prototype models of category learning. Cognitive Processing. 13: 41-54
Field M, Caren R, Fernie G, et al. (2011) Alcohol approach tendencies in heavy drinkers: comparison of effects in a Relevant Stimulus-Response Compatibility task and an approach/avoidance Simon task. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. 25: 697-701
Jones A, Guerrieri R, Fernie G, et al. (2011) The effects of priming restrained versus disinhibited behaviour on alcohol-seeking in social drinkers. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 113: 55-61
Fernie G, Cole JC, Goudie AJ, et al. (2010) Risk-taking but not response inhibition or delay discounting predict alcohol consumption in social drinkers. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 112: 54-61
Tunney RJ, Fernie G, Astle DE. (2010) An ERP analysis of recognition and categorization decisions in a prototype-distortion task. Plos One. 5: e10116
Tunney RJ, Fernie G. (2007) Repetition priming affects guessing not familiarity. Behavioral and Brain Functions : Bbf. 3: 40
Fernie G, Tunney RJ. (2006) Some decks are better than others: the effect of reinforcer type and task instructions on learning in the Iowa Gambling Task. Brain and Cognition. 60: 94-102
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