Ernest J. McCormick

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 
"Ernest McCormick"


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Angelo S. DeNisi grad student (Neurotree)
Gheorghe Iosif research scientist 1973 Purdue
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McCormick EJ, DeNisi AS, Shaw JB. (1979) Use of the position analysis questionnaire for establishing the job component validity of tests Journal of Applied Psychology. 64: 51-56
McCormick EJ, Jeanneret PR, Mecham RC. (1972) A study of job characteristics and job dimensions as based on the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ). Journal of Applied Psychology. 56: 347-368
McCORMICK EJ, Cunningham JW, Thornton GC. (1967) The Prediction Of Job Requirements By A Structured Job Analysis Procedure Personnel Psychology. 20: 431-440
McCORMICK EJ, Cunningham JW, Gordon GG. (1967) Job Dimensions Based On Factorial Analyses Of Worker‐Oriented Job Variables Personnel Psychology. 20: 417-430
Peters DL, McCormick EJ. (1966) Comparative reliability of numerically anchored versus job-task anchored rating scales. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 50: 92-6
Palmer GJ, McCormick EJ. (1961) A factor analysis of job activities Journal of Applied Psychology. 45: 289-294
McCORMICK EJ. (1959) 3. Application of Job Analysis to Indirect Validity Personnel Psychology. 12: 402-413
McCormick EJ, Finn RH, Scheips CD. (1957) Patterns of job requirements. Journal of Applied Psychology. 41: 358-364
McCormick EJ, North WE. (1954) The analysis of an experimental job evaluation system as applied to enlisted naval jobs. Journal of Applied Psychology. 38: 233-237
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