Anthony D. Hermann, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Psychology | Bradley University |
social psychologyGoogle:
"Anthony Hermann"Parents
Sign in to add mentorRobert M. Arkin | grad student | 2002 | Ohio State | |
(Strategic self -presentation and self-esteem: Compensatory self -enhancement and compensatory self -protection.) |
Sign in to add traineeAustin J. Simpson | research assistant | Bradley University | |
Robert D. Hutton | research assistant | 2013-2017 | Bradley University (Neurotree) |
Cecelia I Nelson | research assistant | 2014-2018 | Bradley University (Neurotree) |
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Vohs KD, Schmeichel BJ, Lohmann S, et al. (2021) A Multisite Preregistered Paradigmatic Test of the Ego-Depletion Effect. Psychological Science. 956797621989733 |
Hermann AD, Simpson AJ, Lehtman MJ, et al. (2015) Does Guilt Motivate Prayer? Journal For the Scientific Study of Religion. 54: 540-554 |
Simpson AJ, Hermann AD, Lehtman MJ, et al. (2015) Interpersonal Transgressions and Interest in Spiritual Activities: The Role of Narcissism Current Psychology. 1-12 |
Hermann AD, Arkin RM. (2013) On claiming the good and denying the bad: Self- presentation styles and self-esteem Individual Differences Research. 11: 31-43 |
Hermann AD, Lucas GM, Friedrich J. (2008) Individual differences in perceived esteem across cultures Self and Identity. 7: 151-167 |
Olson MA, Fazio RH, Hermann AD. (2007) Reporting tendencies underlie discrepancies between implicit and explicit measures of self-esteem. Psychological Science. 18: 287-91 |
Wheeler SC, Briñol P, Hermann AD. (2007) Resistance to persuasion as self-regulation: Ego-depletion and its effects on attitude change processes Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 43: 150-156 |
Leonardelli GJ, Hermann AD, Lynch ME, et al. (2003) The shape of self-evaluation: Implicit theories of intelligence and judgments of intellectual ability Journal of Research in Personality. 37: 141-168 |
Hermann AD, Leonardelli GJ, Arkin RM. (2002) Self-doubt and self-esteem: A threat from within Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 28: 395-408 |
Arkin RM, Hermann AD. (2000) Constructing desirable identities--self-presentation in psychotherapy and daily life: comment on Kelly (2000) Psychological Bulletin. 126: 501-4; discussion 50 |