Andrew Luttrell

Ball State University, Muncie, IN, United States 
Attitudes, Persuasion
"Andrew Luttrell"
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Luttrell A, Trentadue JT. (2023) Advocating for Mask-Wearing Across the Aisle: Applying Moral Reframing in Health Communication. Health Communication. 1-13
Luttrell A, Petty RE, Chang JH, et al. (2021) The role of dialecticism in objective and subjective attitudinal ambivalence. The British Journal of Social Psychology
Rocklage MD, Luttrell A. (2021) Attitudes Based on Feelings: Fixed or Fleeting? Psychological Science. 32: 364-380
Luttrell A, Togans LJ. (2021) The Stability of Moralized Attitudes Over Time. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 47: 551-564
Luttrell A, Petty RE, Briñol P. (2020) The interactive effects of ambivalence and certainty on political opinion stability Journal of Social and Political Psychology. 8: 525-541
Luttrell A, Petty RE. (2020) Evaluations of Self-Focused Versus Other-Focused Arguments for Social Distancing: An Extension of Moral Matching Effects Social Psychological and Personality Science. 194855062094785
Luttrell A, Sawicki V. (2020) Attitude strength: Distinguishing predictors versus defining features Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 14
Wallace LE, Patton KM, Luttrell A, et al. (2019) Perceived Knowledge Moderates the Relation Between Subjective Ambivalence and the "Impact" of Attitudes: An Attitude Strength Perspective. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 146167219873492
Luttrell A, Philipp-Muller A, Petty RE. (2019) Challenging Moral Attitudes With Moral Messages. Psychological Science. 956797619854706
Luttrell A, Petty RE, Xu M. (2017) Replicating and fixing failed replications: The case of need for cognition and argument quality Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 69: 178-183
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