Meg A. Bond, Ph.D.

Psychology University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA, United States 
Community psychology, workplace diversity, interpersonal dynamics
"Meg A. Bond"

Ph.D. Clinical/Community Psychology, (1983), University of Oregon - Eugene, Oregon
M.A. Clinical Psychology, (1976), University of Oregon - Eugene, Oregon
B.A. Psychology, (1974), Stanford University - Stanford, CA

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Bond MA. (2020) Scholarship for Social Change: Reflections of an Accidental Academic. American Journal of Community Psychology. 66: 190-200
Tran N, Hayes RB, Ho IK, et al. (2019) Perceived Subtle Gender Bias Index: Development and Validation for Use in Academia Psychology of Women Quarterly. 43: 509-525
Bond MA. (2016) Leading the Way on Diversity: Community Psychology's Evolution from Invisible to Individual to Contextual. American Journal of Community Psychology. 58: 259-268
Bond MA, Haynes MC. (2014) Workplace diversity: A social-ecological framework and policy implications Social Issues and Policy Review. 8: 167-201
Bond MA, Haynes MC, Toof RA, et al. (2013) Healthy Diversity: Challenges of Staffing for Diversity in Community Health Centers Journal of Community Practice. 21: 62-86
Haynes MC, Toof RA, Holmberg MD, et al. (2012) Diversification of the health care workforce: Six research propositions for future research International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations. 11: 163-174
Sládková J, Bond MA. (2011) Migration as a Context-Dependent Dynamic in a World of Global Inequalities Psychosocial Intervention. 20: 327-332
Dinh KT, Bond MA. (2008) Introduction to special section : The other side of acculturation: changes among host individuals and communities in their adaptation to immigrant populations. American Journal of Community Psychology. 42: 283-5
Harrell SP, Bond MA. (2006) Listening to diversity stories: principles for practice in community research and action. American Journal of Community Psychology. 37: 365-76
Bond MA, Harrell SP. (2006) Diversity challenges in community research and action: The story of a special issue of AJCP American Journal of Community Psychology. 37: 157-165
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