Norma Haan

University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
"Norma Haan"
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Haan N. (1986) Systematic variability in the quality of moral action, as defined in two formulations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 50: 1271-84
Haan N. (1974) Changes in young adults after peace corps experiences: Political-social views, moral reasoning, and perceptions of self and parents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 3: 177-94
Haan N, Day D. (1974) A longitudinal study of change and sameness in personality development: adolescence to later adulthood. International Journal of Aging & Human Development. 5: 11-39
Holstein CB, Stroud J, Haan N. (1974) Alienated and nonalienated youth: Perceptions of Parents, Self-Evaluations, and Moral Reasoning of Hippies and College Youth Small Group Research. 5: 279-302
Holstein CB, Stroud J, Haan N. (1974) Alienated and nonalienated youth:Perceptions of Parents, Self-Evaluations, and Moral Reasoning of Hippies and College Youth Youth &Amp; Society. 5: 279-302
Haan N, Smith MB, Block J. (1968) Moral reasoning of young adults: political-social behavior, family background, and personality correlates. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 10: 183-201
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