Martin Storme

Université Paris 5 
"Martin Storme"
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Myszkowski N, Storme M. (2024) Modeling Sequential Dependencies in Progressive Matrices: An Auto-Regressive Item Response Theory (AR-IRT) Approach. Journal of Intelligence. 12
Joie-La Marle C, Parmentier F, Weiss PL, et al. (2023) Effects of a New Soft Skills Metacognition Training Program on Self-Efficacy and Adaptive Performance. Behavioral Sciences (Basel, Switzerland). 13
Joie-La Marle C, Parmentier F, Vinchon F, et al. (2021) Evolution and impact of self-efficacy during French COVID-19 confinement: a longitudinal study. The Journal of General Psychology. 148: 360-381
Myszkowski N, Çelik P, Storme M. (2020) Commentary on Corradi et al.'s (2019) new conception of aesthetic sensitivity: Is the ability conception dead? British Journal of Psychology (London, England : 1953). 111: 659-662
Storme M, Celik P, Myszkowski N. (2020) A forgotten antecedent of career adaptability: A study on the predictive role of within-person variability in personality Personality and Individual Differences. 160: 109936
Storme M, Suleyman O, Gotlib M, et al. (2020) Who is agile? An investigation of the psychological antecedents of workforce agility Global Business and Organizational Excellence. 39: 28-38
Storme M, Myszkowski N, Baron S, et al. (2019) Same Test, Better Scores: Boosting the Reliability of Short Online Intelligence Recruitment Tests with Nested Logit Item Response Theory Models. Journal of Intelligence. 7
Myszkowski N, Storme M, Tavani JL. (2019) Are reflective models appropriate for very short scales? Proofs of concept of formative models using the Ten-Item Personality Inventory. Journal of Personality. 87: 363-372
Myszkowski N, Storme M. (2019) Judge response theory? A call to upgrade our psychometrical account of creativity judgments. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. 13: 167-175
Myszkowski N, Çelik P, Storme M. (2018) A meta-analysis of the relationship between intelligence and visual “taste” measures. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. 12: 24-33
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