Clifford Stevenson

Psychology Department Lancaster University (United Kingdom) 
"Clifford Stevenson"
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Stuart A, Katz D, Stevenson C, et al. (2022) Loneliness in older people and COVID-19: Applying the social identity approach to digital intervention design. Computers in Human Behavior Reports. 6: 100179
Bowe M, Wakefield JRH, Kellezi B, et al. (2021) The mental health benefits of community helping during crisis: Coordinated helping, community identification and sense of unity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology
Stuart A, Stevenson C, Koschate M, et al. (2021) 'Oh no, not a group!' The factors that lonely or isolated people report as barriers to joining groups for health and well-being. British Journal of Health Psychology
McNamara N, Stevenson C, Costa S, et al. (2021) Community identification, social support, and loneliness: The benefits of social identification for personal well-being. The British Journal of Social Psychology
Këllezi B, Wakefield J, Bowe M, et al. (2021) Healthcare provision inside immigration removal centres: A social identity analysis of trust, legitimacy and disengagement. Applied Psychology. Health and Well-Being
Reicher S, Hopkins N, Stevenson C, et al. (2020) Identity enactment as collective accomplishment: Religious identity enactment at home and at a festival. The British Journal of Social Psychology
Wakefield JRH, Kellezi B, Stevenson C, et al. (2020) Social Prescribing as 'Social Cure': A longitudinal study of the health benefits of social connectedness within a Social Prescribing pathway. Journal of Health Psychology. 1359105320944991
Kellezi B, Wakefield JRH, Stevenson C, et al. (2019) The social cure of social prescribing: a mixed-methods study on the benefits of social connectedness on quality and effectiveness of care provision. Bmj Open. 9: e033137
Halder MM, Wakefield JR, Bowe M, et al. (2018) Evaluation and exploration of a social prescribing initiative: Study protocol. Journal of Health Psychology. 1359105318814160
Shayegh J, Drury J, Stevenson C. (2017) Listen to the band! How sound can realize group identity and enact intergroup domination. The British Journal of Social Psychology. 56: 181-196
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