Melinda Gormley, Ph.D.

2007 Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 
History of Science, United States History, Biography
"Melinda Gormley"


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Mary J. Nye grad student 2007 Oregon State
 (Geneticist L. C. Dunn: Politics, activism, and community.)
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Gormley M. (2019) Robert E. Kohler, Inside Science: Stories from the Field in Human and Animal Science (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019), 264 pp., $35.00 Cloth, ISBN: 9780226617985. Journal of the History of Biology
Gormley M. (2016) Pulp science: education and communication in the paperback book revolution. Endeavour. 40: 24-37
Gormley M. (2014) Joseph Rotblat and the Pugwash conferences for science and world affairs Metascience. 23: 199-201
Gormley M. (2009) Scientific discrimination and the activist scientist: L.C. Dunn and the professionalization of genetics and human genetics in the United States. Journal of the History of Biology. 42: 33-72
Gormley M. (2007) The first 'molecular disease': a story of Linus Pauling, the intellectual patron. Endeavour. 31: 71-7
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