Candace Miller

International Health Boston University, Boston, MA, United States 
Public Health, Health Care Management
"Candace Miller"
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Bryant M, Beard J, Sabin L, et al. (2012) PEPFAR's support for orphans and vulnerable children: some beneficial effects, but too little data, and programs spread thin. Health Affairs (Project Hope). 31: 1508-18
Sabin L, Tsoka M, Brooks MI, et al. (2011) Measuring vulnerability among orphans and vulnerable children in rural Malawi: validation study of the Child Status Index tool. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (1999). 58: e1-10
Miller CM, Gruskin S, Subramanian SV, et al. (2007) Emerging health disparities in Botswana: Examining the situation of orphans during the AIDS epidemic Social Science and Medicine. 64: 2476-2486
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