Michael Behm, Ph.D.

2004 Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 
Occupational Health and Safety
"Michael Behm"


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Anthony T. Veltri grad student 2004 Oregon State
 (Establishing the link between construction fatalities and disabling injuries and the design for construction safety concept.)
BETA: Related publications


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Tymvios N, Hardison D, Behm M, et al. (2020) Revisiting Lorent and Szymberski: Evaluating how research in prevention through design is interpreted and cited Safety Science. 131: 104927
Poghosyan A, Manu P, Mahamadu A, et al. (2020) A web-based design for occupational safety and health capability maturity indicator Safety Science. 122: 104516
Saurin TA, Costa DB, Emuze F, et al. (2019) Guest editorial: Coping with the complexity of safety, health, and well-being in construction Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. 26: 2509-2518
Manu P, Poghosyan A, Mahamadu A, et al. (2019) Design for occupational safety and health: key attributes for organisational capability Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. 26: 2614-2636
Poghosyan A, Manu P, Mahdjoubi L, et al. (2018) Design for safety implementation factors: a literature review Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology. 16: 783-797
Behm M, Culvenor J, Genn K. (2017) Safe Design: A Source for Innovation in the Built Environment Practice Periodical On Structural Design and Construction. 22: 4017024
Namian M, Albert A, Zuluaga CM, et al. (2016) Role of Safety Training: Impact on Hazard Recognition and Safety Risk Perception Journal of Construction Engineering and Management-Asce. 142: 4016073
Gibb A, Lingard H, Behm M, et al. (2014) Construction accident causality: Learning from different countries and differing consequences Construction Management and Economics. 32: 446-459
Hardison D, Behm M, Hallowell MR, et al. (2014) Identifying construction supervisor competencies for effective site safety Safety Science. 65: 45-53
Behm M, Culvenor J, Dixon G. (2014) Development of safe design thinking among engineering students Safety Science. 63: 1-7
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