Gabe Sibley, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2007 | Computer Science: Doctor of Philosophy | University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States |
Computer Science, Electronics and Electrical, RoboticsGoogle:
"Gabe Sibley"Parents
Sign in to add mentorGaurav S. Sukhatme | grad student | 2007 | USC | |
(Long range stereo data-fusion from moving platforms.) |
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Keivan N, Patron-Perez A, Sibley G. (2016) Asynchronous adaptive conditioning for visual-inertial SLAM Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics. 109: 309-321 |
Furgale P, Tong CH, Barfoot TD, et al. (2015) Continuous-time batch trajectory estimation using temporal basis functions International Journal of Robotics Research. 34: 1688-1710 |
Patron-Perez A, Lovegrove S, Sibley G. (2015) A Spline-Based Trajectory Representation for Sensor Fusion and Rolling Shutter Cameras International Journal of Computer Vision. 113: 208-219 |
Keivan N, Sibley G. (2014) Constant-time monocular self-calibration 2014 Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Biomimetics, Ieee Robio 2014. 1590-1595 |
Furgale P, Barfoot TD, Sibley G. (2012) Continuous-time batch estimation using temporal basis functions Proceedings - Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation. 2088-2095 |
Mei C, Sibley G, Cummins M, et al. (2011) RSLAM: A system for large-scale mapping in constant-time using stereo International Journal of Computer Vision. 94: 198-214 |
Sibley G, Mei C, Reid I, et al. (2010) Vast-scale outdoor navigation using adaptive relative bundle adjustment International Journal of Robotics Research. 29: 958-980 |
Sibley G, Matthies L, Sukhatme G. (2010) Sliding window filter with application to planetary landing Journal of Field Robotics. 27: 587-608 |
Mei C, Sibley G, Cummins M, et al. (2009) A constant-time efficient stereo SLAM system British Machine Vision Conference, Bmvc 2009 - Proceedings |
Newman P, Sibley G, Smith M, et al. (2009) Navigating, recognizing and describing urban spaces with vision and lasers International Journal of Robotics Research. 28: 1406-1433 |