David S. Epp, Ph.D.

2002 University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United States 
Aerospace, Mechanical, Robotics
"David Epp"


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Harold L. Stalford grad student 2002 University of Oklahoma
 (Tighter peak -to -peak performance bounds for piecewise linear systems with application to a class of semi-active control problems.)
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Reu PL, Tanner DM, Epp DS, et al. (2006) Experimental apparatus and software design for dynamic long-term reliability testing of a spring-mass MEMS device Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 6111
Massad JE, Sumali H, Epp DS, et al. (2005) Modeling, simulation, and testing of the mechanical dynamics of an RF MEMS switch Proceedings - 2005 International Conference On Mems, Nano and Smart Systems, Icmens 2005. 237-240
Sumali H, Epp DS, Fulcher CW. (2005) Modal analysis for model validation in micro-fabricated devices Conference Proceedings of the Society For Experimental Mechanics Series
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