Thomas A. Posbergh

Electrical Engineering University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Robotics Engineering
"Thomas Posbergh"
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Pu YR, Posbergh TA. (2014) Formulation and simulations of the conserving algorithm for feedback stabilization on rigid body rotations Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2014
Zhao J, French CE, Shield CK, et al. (2006) Comparison of Tests of a Nonlinear Structure Using a Shake Table and the EFT Method Journal of Structural Engineering-Asce. 132: 1473-1481
Zhao J, Shield CK, French CE, et al. (2005) Nonlinear System Modeling And Velocity Feedback Compensation For Effective Force Testing Journal of Engineering Mechanics-Asce. 131: 244-253
Zhao J, French CE, Shield CK, et al. (2003) Considerations for the development of real-time dynamic testing using servo-hydraulic actuation Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics. 32: 1773-1794
Zhao J, French CE, Shield CK, et al. (2003) Nonlinear velocity compensation for effective force testing Proceedings of the Structures Congress and Exposition. 73-77
Zhao R, Posbergh TA. (1994) Feedback stabilization of uniform rigid body rotation Systems and Control Letters. 22: 39-45
Pu YR, Posbergh TA. (1994) Attitude drift for systems with partial internal damping Proceedings of the Ieee Conference On Decision and Control. 1: 906-911
Simo JC, Posbergh TA, Marsden JE. (1991) Stability of relative equilibria. Part II: Application to nonlinear elasticity Archive For Rational Mechanics and Analysis. 115: 61-100
Simo JC, Posbergh TA, Marsden JE. (1990) Stability of coupled rigid body and geometrically exact rods: Block diagonalization and the energy-momentum method Physics Reports. 193: 279-360
Posbergh TA. (1990) Modeling and stabilization of rotating flexible structures Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 2452-2453
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