Serhat Tozburun, Ph.D.

2012 Optical Science and Engineering (PhD) University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, United States 
Optics Physics, Biomedical Engineering
"Serhat Tozburun"


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Nathaniel M. Fried grad student 2012 UNC Charlotte
 (Optical stimulation of the prostate nerves: A potential diagnostic technique.)
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Turker-Burhan M, Ellidokuz EB, Bagriyanik HA, et al. (2024) An endoscopic approach providing near-infrared laser-induced coagulation with accurate depth limits. Journal of Biophotonics. e202300377
Turker Burhan M, Ersoy N, Bagriyanik HA, et al. (2022) Guide mapping for effective superficial photothermal coagulation of the esophagus using computer simulations with ex vivo sheep model validation study. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine
Yetis O, Guner O, Akkaya I, et al. (2021) Vagus nerve bundle stimulation using 1505-nm laser irradiation in an in-vivo rat model. Journal of Biophotonics. e202100197
Tozburun S. (2020) Superficial photothermal laser ablation of ex vivo sheep esophagus using a cone-shaped optical fiber tip. Journal of Biophotonics. e201960116
Siddiqui M, Nam AS, Tozburun S, et al. (2018) High-speed optical coherence tomography by circular interferometric ranging. Nature Photonics. 12: 111-116
Tozburun S, Blatter C, Siddiqui M, et al. (2018) Phase-stable Doppler OCT at 19 MHz using a stretched-pulse mode-locked laser. Biomedical Optics Express. 9: 952-961
Tokel O, Turnali A, Makey G, et al. (2017) In-chip microstructures and photonic devices fabricated by nonlinear laser lithography deep inside silicon. Nature Photonics. 11: 639-645
Tozburun S, Blatter C, Siddiqui M, et al. (2016) Angiographic imaging using an 18.9 MHz swept-wavelength laser that is phase-locked to the data acquisition clock and resonant scanners(Conference Presentation) Proceedings of Spie. 9697: 969708
Siddiqui M, Tozburun S, Vakoc BJ. (2016) Simultaneous high-speed and long-range imaging with optically subsampled OCT (Conference Presentation) Proceedings of Spie. 9697
Tozburun S, Siddiqui M, Vakoc BJ. (2014) A rapid, dispersion-based wavelength-stepped and wavelength-swept laser for optical coherence tomography. Optics Express. 22: 3414-24
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