Pascal Morin

UPMC Univ Paris 6, France 
"Pascal Morin"
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Silveira G, Mirisola L, Morin P. (2020) Decoupled Intensity-Based Nonmetric Visual Servo Control Ieee Transactions On Control Systems and Technology. 28: 566-573
Morin P, Samson C. (2019) Feedback Control of a Motorized Skateboard Ieee Transactions On Automatic Control. 64: 628-639
Hua M, Trumpf J, Hamel T, et al. (2019) Feature‐based recursive observer design for homography estimation and its application to image stabilization Asian Journal of Control. 21: 1443-1458
Plinval Hd, Morin P, Mouyon P. (2017) Stabilization of a class of underactuated vehicles with uncertain position measurements and application to visual servoing Automatica. 77: 155-169
Pucci D, Hamel T, Morin P, et al. (2015) Nonlinear feedback control of axisymmetric aerial vehicles Automatica. 53: 72-78
Hua MD, Hamel T, Morin P, et al. (2015) Control of VTOL vehicles with thrust-tilting augmentation Automatica. 52: 1-7
De Plinval H, Morin P, Mouyon P, et al. (2014) Visual servoing for underactuated VTOL UAVs: A linear, homography-based framework International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 24: 2285-2308
Phung DK, Morin P. (2013) Modeling and Energy Evaluation of Small Convertible UAVs Ifac Proceedings Volumes. 46: 212-219
Hua M, Hamel T, Morin P, et al. (2013) Introduction to feedback control of underactuated VTOLvehicles: A review of basic control design ideas and principles Ieee Control Systems Magazine. 33: 61-75
Morin P, Samson C. (2012) Feedback control of a redundant wheeled snake mechanism using transverse functions SO(4) Ifac Proceedings Volumes. 45: 178-185
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