Vincent Coelen

University Lille 1, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Hauts-de-France, France 
"Vincent Coelen"


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Rochdi Merzouki grad student 2012 University Lille 1
 (Concept intégré pour la curiethérapie robotisée de la prostate)
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Bensekrane I, Kumar P, Melingui A, et al. (2020) Energy Planning for Autonomous Driving of an Over-Actuated Road Vehicle Ieee Transactions On Intelligent Transportation Systems. 1-11
Kouabon AGJ, Melingui A, Ahanda JJBM, et al. (2020) A Learning Framework to inverse kinematics of high DOF redundant manipulators Mechanism and Machine Theory. 153: 103978
Escande C, Chettibi T, Merzouki R, et al. (2015) Kinematic calibration of a multisection bionic manipulator Ieee/Asme Transactions On Mechatronics. 20: 663-674
Liem X, Coelen V, Merzouki R, et al. (2010) Projet CI-ROB : surveillance en temps réel pour curiethérapie robotisée de prostate Cancer/RadiothéRapie. 14: 591
Coelen V, Merzouki R, Lartigau É. (2009) Couplage image-robot pour la curiethérapie de prostate Cancer/RadiothéRapie. 13: 652
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