Thomas F. Gieryn

Sociology Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States 
"Thomas Gieryn"
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Gieryn TF. (2016) Artifacts and Allegiances: How Museums Put the Nation and the World on Display (Levitt) Museum Anthropology Review. 10: 146-147
Oberlin KC, Gieryn TF. (2015) Place and culture-making: Geographic clumping in the emergence of artistic schools Poetics. 50: 20-43
Gieryn TF. (2008) Who Scientists Are Now Science. 322: 1189-1190
Gieryn TF. (2008) Laboratory design for post-fordist science Isis. 99: 796-802
Gieryn TF. (2006) City as truth-spot: Laboratories and field-sites in Urban Studies Social Studies of Science. 36: 5-38
Gieryn TF. (2006) Science of Science and ReflexivityScience of Science and Reflexivity, by BourdieuPierre, translated by NiceRichard. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 2004. 168 pp. $22.50 paper. ISBN: 0-226-06738-6. Contemporary Sociology. 35: 185-187
Gieryn TF. (2002) John Ziman.Real Science: What It Is and What It Means. xii + 399 pp., bibl., index. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. $39.95 (cloth). Isis. 93: 544-545
Gieryn TF. (2000) A space for place in sociology Annual Review of Sociology. 26: 463-496
Gieryn T. (1996) Policing STS: A Boundary-Work Souvenir from the Smithsonian Exhibition on "Science in American Life": Science, Technology, & Human Values. 21: 100-115
Gieryn TF. (1996) At the Fringes of Science. Michael W. Friedlander Isis. 87: 767-768
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