Tricia Wachtendorf

Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice University of Delaware, Newark, DE, United States 
Organizational, Social Structure and Development, Women's Studies
"Tricia Wachtendorf"
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Yang K, Davidson RA, Vergara H, et al. (2019) Incorporating inland flooding into hurricane evacuation decision support modeling Natural Hazards. 96: 857-878
DeYoung SE, Wachtendorf T, Davidson RA, et al. (2016) A mixed method study of hurricane evacuation: demographic predictors for stated compliance to voluntary and mandatory orders Environmental Hazards. 1-18
Wachtendorf T, Brown B, Holguin-Veras J. (2013) Catastrophe characteristics and their impact on critical supply chains: Problematizing materiel convergence and management following hurricane katrina Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. 10: 497-520
Brittingham R, Wachtendorf T. (2013) The effect of situated access on people with disabilities: An examination of sheltering and temporary housing after the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami Earthquake Spectra. 29
Holguín-Veras J, Jaller M, Van Wassenhove LN, et al. (2012) On the unique features of post-disaster humanitarian logistics Journal of Operations Management. 30: 494-506
Wachtendorf T, Kendra JM, Lea B. (2010) Community behavior and response to disaster International Disaster Nursing. 29-40
Holguín-Veras J, Pérez N, Ukkusuri S, et al. (2007) Emergency logistics issues affecting the response to katrina : A synthesis and preliminary suggestions for improvement Transportation Research Record. 76-82
Wachtendorf T, Kendra JM, Rodríguez H, et al. (2006) The social impacts and consequences of the December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami: Observations from India and Sri Lanka Earthquake Spectra. 22
Rodriguez H, Wachtendorf T, Kendra J, et al. (2006) A snapshot of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami: Societal impacts and consequences Disaster Prevention and Management. 15: 163-177
Kendra J, Wachtendorf T, Quarantelli EL. (2003) The evacuation of lower Manhattan by water transport on September 11: an unplanned "success". Joint Commission Journal On Quality and Safety. 29: 316-8
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