Bert Useem

Sociology Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 
Criminology and Penology
"Bert Useem"
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Goldstone JA, Useem B. (2012) Putting values and institutions back into the theory of strategic action fields Sociological Theory. 30: 37-47
Useem B. (2010) Criminology and Public Policy: Putting Theory to Work Contemporary Sociology. 39: 548-549
Useem B, Clayton O. (2009) Radicalization of U.S. prisoners Criminology and Public Policy. 8: 561-592
Useem B. (2009) The Crisis of Imprisonment: Protest, Politics, and the Making of the American Penal State, 1776–1941. By Rebecca M. McLennan. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Pp. xi+505. $75.00 (cloth); $24.99 (paper). American Journal of Sociology. 115: 565-567
Useem B, Piehl AM. (2006) Prison buildup and disorder Punishment and Society. 8: 87-115
Liedka RV, Piehl AM, Useem B. (2006) The Crime-Control Effect Of Incarceration: Does Scale Matter?* Criminology and Public Policy. 5: 245-276
Useem B, Liedka RV, Piehl AM. (2003) Popular support for the prison build-up: Punishment & Society. 5: 5-32
Useem B, Goldstone JA. (2002) Forging social order and its breakdown: Riot and reform in U.S. prisons American Sociological Review. 67: 499-525
Useem B, Reisig MD. (1999) Collective action in prisons: Protests, disturbances, and riots Criminology. 37: 735-759
Goldstone JA, Useem B. (1999) Prison riots as microrevolutions: An extension of state-centered theories of revolution American Journal of Sociology. 104: 985-1029
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