Ethel G. Nicdao, Ph.D.

2006 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United States 
Organizational, Mental Health, Health Care Management
"Ethel Nicdao"


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Howard Waitzkin grad student 2006 Univ. of New Mexico
 (Mental health safety net institutions: Resiliency in rural New Mexico.)
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Nicdao E, Huh D, Parker M, et al. (2023) Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders and Treatment Utilization among Urban Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender American Indians and Alaska Natives. American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research (Online). 30: 35-52
Ai AL, Appel HB, Nicdao EG. (2016) Differential Associations of Religious Involvement with the Mental Health of Asian-American Subgroups: A Cultural Perspective. Journal of Religion and Health
Nicdao EG, Henley A, Peterson JC. (2016) "your Blood is Sweet": The illness experience of southeast Asian Refugees with type 2 diabetes Research in the Sociology of Health Care. 34: 63-84
Ai AL, Nicdao EG, Appel HB, et al. (2015) Ethnic Identity and Major Depression in Asian American Subgroups Nationwide: Differential Findings in Relation to Subcultural Contexts. Journal of Clinical Psychology
Huang B, Appel HB, Nicdao EG, et al. (2013) Chronic conditions, behavioral health, and use of health services among Asian American men: the first nationally representative sample. American Journal of Men's Health. 7: 66-76
Nicdao EG, Hong S, Takeuchi DT. (2008) Social support and the use of mental health services among Asian Americans: results from the national Latino and Asian American study Research in the Sociology of Health Care. 26: 167-184
Abe-Kim J, Takeuchi DT, Hong S, et al. (2007) Use of mental health-related services among immigrant and US-born Asian Americans: Results from the National Latino and Asian American Study American Journal of Public Health. 97: 91-98
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