Seymour Wapner

Clark University, Worcester, MA, United States 
Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies
"Seymour Wapner"
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Wapner S, Craig-Bray L. (1992) Person-in-Environment Transitions: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches Environment and Behavior. 24: 161-188
Schlater JA, Baker AH, Wapner S. (1981) Apparent arm length with active vs. passive touch Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 18: 151-154
Yamamoto T, Wapner S, Stevens DA. (1980) Exploration and learning of topographical relationships by the rat Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 15: 99-102
Schlater JA, Baker AH, Wapner S. (1974) Age changes in apparent arm length Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 4: 75-77
Baker AH, Cirillo L, Wapner S. (1971) A Re‐Examination Of The Effect Of Monaural Stimulation Upon The Perception Of Verticality1 Psychometrika. 1971
Meisel P, Wapner S. (1969) Interaction of factors affecting space localization Journal of Experimental Psychology. 79: 430-437
Wapner S. (1968) Age changes in perception of verticality and of the longitudinal body axis under body tilt Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 6: 543-555
Wapner S, Weinberg J, Glick JA, et al. (1967) Effect of speed of movement on tactualkinesthetic perception of extent The American Journal of Psychology. 80: 608-613
Rierdan J, Wapner S. (1967) Adaptive changes in the relationship between visual and tactual-kinesthetic perception Psychonomic Science. 7: 61-62
Bauermeister M, Wapner S, Werner H. (1967) Method of Stimulus Presentation and Apparent Body Position under Lateral Body Tilt Perceptual and Motor Skills. 24: 43-50
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