Walter R. Nord

University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, United States 
General Business Administration, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies
"Walter Nord"
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Kessler SR, Nixon AE, Nord WR. (2016) Examining Organic and Mechanistic Structures: Do We Know as Much as We Thought? International Journal of Management Reviews. 19: 531-555
Nord WR. (2013) A Muckraker Battles Alienation in Organization Studies: Introducing Culbert’s “Transorganizational Muckraking: Method and Style” Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. 52: 240-260
Nord WR. (2012) On Doing the Wrong Things for the Wrong Reasons: Two Misguided Organization Studies Practices Journal of Management Inquiry. 21: 443-447
Nord WR, Fuller SR. (2009) Increasing corporate social responsibility through an employee-centered approach Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal. 21: 279-290
Nord WR. (2006) Foundations for Inquiry: Choices and Trade-Offs in the Organizational Sciences Academy of Management Review. 31: 1098-1100
Nord W. (2005) Treats and Some Treatments: Responses by Kanter, Pfeffer, Gapper, Hambrick, Mintzberg, and Donaldson to Ghoshal's “Bad Management Theories Are Destroying Good Management Practices” Academy of Management Learning and Education. 4: 92-92
Nord WR. (2003) Core Group Theory and the emancipation agenda Journal of Organizational Change Management. 16: 684-690
Zammuto RF, Clegg SR, Hardy C, et al. (1998) Handbook of organization studies Administrative Science Quarterly. 43: 728
Connell AF, Nord WR. (1998) Reconsidering the "Fact-Value Antinomy: A Comment on Eastman and Bailey (1997) Organization Science. 9: 245-250
Nord WR. (1997) Reinventing the Workplace: How Business and Employees Can Both Win Academy of Management Review. 22: 283-286
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