Fausto G. Patino, Dr.P.H.

2002 The University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health 
Public Health, Ethnic and Racial Studies
"Fausto Patino"
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Laura Gibney grad student 2002 The University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health
 (Maternal and child health services utilization by Hispanics in Alabama.)
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Saag KG, Olivieri JJ, Patino F, et al. (2004) Measuring quality in arthritis care: The Arthritis Foundation's quality indicator set for analgesics Arthritis Care and Research. 51: 337-349
Mikuls TR, MacLean CH, Olivieri J, et al. (2004) Quality of Care Indicators for Gout Management Arthritis and Rheumatism. 50: 937-943
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