Hans Toch

State University of New York, Albany, Albany, NY, United States 
Individual and Family Studies, Women's Studies
"Hans Toch"
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Toch H, Maguire K. (2014) Public Opinion Regarding Crime, Criminal Justice, and Related Topics: A Retrospect Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. 51: 424-444
Toch H. (2008) Police officers as change agents in police reform Policing & Society. 18: 60-71
Toch H, Kupers TA. (2007) Violence in Prisons, Revisited Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. 45: 1-28
Toch H. (1995) Some Ruminations about Prison Mental Health Work. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. 22: 21-28
Toch H, Adams K. (1986) Pathology and Disruptiveness among Prison Inmates Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. 23: 7-21
Toch H. (1985) The Imperfect World of Prison Medicine Hastings Center Report. 15: 44-45
Toch H. (1985) Warehouses for People Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 478: 58-72
Toch H. (1985) The Catalytic Situation in the Violence Equation1 Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 15: 105-123
Toch H. (1982) The Disturbed Disruptive Inmate: Where does the Bus Stop?: The Journal of Psychiatry & Law. 10: 327-349
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